Discontinue of the Satowa Network Domains

We have decided to completely destroy our ICTDN web presence. The reason for this is currently massive family problems and other private matters such as costs, maintenance and many other things. As you have probably already noticed, everything has become very quiet towards ICTDN in the last weeks and possibly months. This is simply because of these problems and generally because the complete motivation and interest in the network has been lost. We are not doing ourselves any good, nobody really seems to be interested in what we are doing and other things. There is simply no added value for ICTDN at the moment and we will therefore stop all costs related to the network and withdraw more and more. All Satowa Network domains have already been cancelled. ICTDN will only be on Discord from now on.

Thank you for your support.

It is also requested not to ask questions privately or anywhere else and to stop other relations relevant to this network.